Miss A.
Just wanted to say: Thank you again for making today so wonderful for me. You have no idea how much today meant to me.

Miss L.
I asked Erin before we started the shoot how heavily she would edit the photos because I am trying to learn self-love and I feel it's important to not edit out the parts that make me “me”. She assured me that she wouldn’t and while looking just at the proofs on her camera, I fell in LOVE with myself. I looked sexy without a single edit, just with the way she told me to position my body. Our shoot today was some of the most fun I've ever had in my life and I would highly recommend her to any woman who wants to feel good with exactly what she has.

Miss G.S.
The camaraderie and energy during the shoot was fun and uplifting. I felt empowered to be a woman and so intouch with my femininity. A memorable life event for me. Thank you Bella te Boudoir Studio and Erin.

Miss G.
Thank you for today Erin, you made it a very comfortable situation and cheered me on. I almost cancelled last night because I was looking in the mirror at my midsection and was very unhappy with what I saw. It was an amazing, empowering experience, in which I saw myself as sexy and beautiful. A confidence boost and the realization that I am finally letting go and enjoying life and embracing myself as I am, flaws and all.
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Mrs. L
I was so nervous that morning and wasn't sure how I would look in the pictures. However I was elated when I saw my husbands face when looking at my image reveal....priceless! Thank you Bella te Boudoir Studio for making me feel at ease through encouragement and laughter, and giving me the confidence boost I needed. This amazing journey has put me on the path to love myself and the way I look. Who knew 55 would look so good! Arrived feeling like a wallflower and left feeling like a Bombshell.